Thursday 28 December 2017


Formation. Attention. Take number. Join the line where you like, back, beside, behind or between. They brought him in to replace lead singer but ended up in formation. 

Now hear me right. All these fine men are superstars and leaders in their own rights. It's just the cool thing to give respect to whom it is due. 

When you have a humble lead singer okay sharing the dough equally and making everyone feel like a part of the group irrespective of your individual contribution, you have something good and unique worth preserving. 

I'm still in love, New Edition

I repented from bulldozing into people's social media portals with unsolicited comments. But my itchy palms were too eager to fancy new edition's collaboration on that video. Scenery on point, dress code, check, and music, simply beautiful. 
So I've moved the comment from the music video to this blog. You can show some love and thumbs up to me that I'm managing to mind my business on this blog so those stalking on internet can kindly spread the fancies to others who love this singing team or just simply stop stalking and find something nice to do with themselves. #selfrespect.
I love the way #Ronnie beat his chest saying "I'll always keep you happy", how swag looks good on #Mike, with litt appearances from #Bobby the al tym bubbler and #Johnny the singer alwayz cool as cucumber, #Ricky and #Ralph made us dance and be happy.

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Finding and walking in Gods' plan

I was in this study center watching an interview when a guy walked towards my screen to see what I was watching. Before then, the interviewee could do no wrong in my opinion as I found myself defending her whenever she was criticized about her looks, hair or for talking too much or her political stance on issues. I even made a video about how she watches out for her husband, daughters and still find time to play her  role and motivate young girls to get an education. At a telecoms reception, met a guy from the past who asked me about the projects I was working on and realized that this lady was my role model to the point of making podcasts about the tremendous benefits of standing behind your man and speaking up for what you believe, being bold with intelligence.
Taking responsibility for not minding my business about some of the political issues, I'm here to set the records straight without blaming those jealous of my fondness of the personalities at the frontline.
There were over sixteen candidates in the tussle, why and how did it get streamlined to the candidates at the top of my A-list?
Suffice me to say that I learnt new things about myself. How passionate, ferocious and outspoken I could be in speaking up about human rights. Whether it's entrepreneurial endeavours, social or human activism, my goal is to do what's right. I felt strongly about my choices but not the decision to make tractor imposing comments on some of these portals as I did and I hereby tender my sincere apologies to those my comments and posts didn't sit well with.
Learning to listen especially for someone who speaks as the thought comes is a new competence to me. 
Hence I ask for your forgiveness once again, you, yes you taken aback by my outspokeness, forgive and pardon me.
I had not always been so outspoken, it's actually not in my character to pokenose into things that don't concern me, so let those pokenosing to mine, repent and seek God and when you find Him, channel your prayers to Him.

By the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, I have important, valuable and useful things to mind. I was and still is convivial and playful but I'm now interested in genuine lives to touch, conflict resolution e.t.c

So when shenanigans try to seek for your notice, pay them no mind.
They plan but God also plans and God's plan is the greatest. So I thank Jesus for restoring me to favor with God and man.

Sunday 24 December 2017

New Edition Formation

Bobby was busy bubbling around the OP projects in Boston MA as the bubbler that he had always been when the call to audition for a talent show came to his notice. He decided to apply from the standpoint of his love for music, he used to sing in church, he had always been the life of the party, he was popular around the blocks for his disk jockey abilities at birthday parties and for many other understandable reasons including making some cool money and be able to chase some babes.

He performed with his typical energetic self attracting some kind of attention from someone who thought he was trying to go it alone for selfish reasons. So he was advised to form a group with boys of his age if he was to get a chance to enter the talent show. So he invited a guy who played basketball, Mike Bivins and Ricky Bells who rolled around the projects. They were the available guys who had time for extracurricular activities and they hired a manager Brooke Payne who was managing some other boy groups at the time to facilitate the group formation. 

The two other guys that Bobby, Mike and Ricky had brought to the group left and Ricky invites a friend and acquaintance, Ralph who became the lead singer. 

Eventually as time went on, Mr Payne would invite his nephew Ronnie who was a bookworm at the time to learn choreography and join the group and Mike went on to invite Johnny, an accomplished solo artist to the group. 

So there you have it, the New Edition epicgram:                                              
                    /               |               \
Ricky         -      Mr Payne         -       Mike
    |                               |                             |
Ralph                    Ronnie                 Johnny

Mind you i didn't say because Bobby started the group that makes him the leader of the group. Apart from the fact that he is the youngest in the group, he doesn't seem to be interested in that type of leadership role which is good for him. How does he think he could do managing these bunch of superegocentric guys that are all capable of independence? By the way his brain is too busy being awesome but controversial Bobby.
As far as formation of NE goes, there were several defining moments, decisions and moves made by group members individually and collectively in the forming, storming and norming stages of their singing career.

New Edition, Get it together

If there's no enemy within, the enemy without cannot affect you.
That brings us again to the new edition gist. Now we know who was fiddling with the guys money. There's a fraction in the group that thinks it's business while the other members were about augmenting their talents.
To the general public, they are a group and there should be equality of treatment, payment, input and effort.

Monday 11 December 2017

New Edition

You know I love the New Edition group but I also feel that New Edition is bigger than its members. The guys didn't know what they were getting themselves into hence the anger outburst and emotional outrages that often resulted in their cat fights.
When they sing and perform, it's magical invigorating and we just feel it's the right thing to do. It's a classical example of how God does extraordinary things through ordinary vessels. Five guys with unique personalities, with different tastes in fashion, concept and women but from the projects with one thing in common, their love for music. Their common intention to sing and to perform.
Someone said it's their type of music you can play the whole album without cringing nor skipping lines in their lyrics. In this we know it isn't a fad but a trend for generations.